Operation Flip Our Church is a 6-month building campaign that will support the expansion of the Higher Heights Community Church’s ministry. We have occupied our current space for approximately 2 years now, and as we continue to grow, things are sure to change according to the leading of the Holy Spirit and the vision that He gives our Pastor, Pastor Dennis Austin. HHCC will flip the sanctuary so that the front stage area will be on the East wall and the backs of the people will be toward the entry doors. This change will present less distraction to what’s happening in the entryway, and more focus on God and worship. This flip will require the following:

  • Physically moving the front stage from the North wall to the East wall
  • Physically moving the sound booth from the South wall to the West wall
  • Installing wall tile on the South wall
  • Replacing the carpet where stage and sound booth were prior to removal
  • Paint all sanctuary walls with new color
  • Add 25 additional chairs in preparation for the flood of people that God is sending in
  • Upgrade sound (speakers & equipment)
  • Upgrade video equipment

Pastor Austin and the Higher Heights Community Church partners have committed to $300. You may contribute any amount to this campaign by clicking the "Contribute" button below.
Renovations are scheduled to begin in August 2022 in order to finish this project before the Church anniversary weekend in September 2022. Will you commit today? If so, make your commitment officially by clicking the link below.